Source code for nupic.torch.models.sparse_cnn

#  Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC)
#  Copyright (C) 2019, Numenta, Inc.  Unless you have an agreement
#  with Numenta, Inc., for a separate license for this software code, the
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#  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU Affero Public License version 3 as
#  published by the Free Software Foundation.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

from torch import nn
from torch.hub import load_state_dict_from_url

from nupic.torch.modules import (

[docs]class MNISTSparseCNN(nn.Sequential): """Sparse CNN model used to classify `MNIST` dataset as described in `How Can We Be So Dense?`_ paper. .. _`How Can We Be So Dense?`: :param cnn_out_channels: output channels for each CNN layer :param cnn_percent_on: Percent of units allowed to remain on each convolution layer :param linear_units: Number of units in the linear layer :param linear_percent_on: Percent of units allowed to remain on the linear layer :param k_inference_factor: During inference (training=False) we increase `percent_on` in all sparse layers by this factor :param boost_strength: boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting) :param boost_strength_factor: Boost strength factor to use [0..1] :param duty_cycle_period: The period used to calculate duty cycles :param kwinner_local: Whether or not to choose the k-winners locally (across the channels at each location) or globally (across the whole input and across all channels) :param cnn_sparsity: Percent of weights that are zero :param linear_sparsity: Percent of weights that are zero. """ def __init__( self, cnn_out_channels=(32, 64), cnn_percent_on=(0.1, 0.2), cnn_weight_sparsity=None, linear_units=700, linear_percent_on=0.2, linear_weight_sparsity=None, boost_strength=1.5, boost_strength_factor=0.85, k_inference_factor=1.0, duty_cycle_period=1000, kwinner_local=False, cnn_sparsity=(0.4, 0.55), linear_sparsity=0.8, ): if cnn_weight_sparsity is not None: warnings.warn( "Parameter `cnn_weight_sparsity` is deprecated. Use " "`cnn_sparsity` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) cnn_sparsity = (1.0 - cnn_weight_sparsity[0], 1.0 - cnn_weight_sparsity[1]) if linear_weight_sparsity is not None: warnings.warn( "Parameter `linear_weight_sparsity` is deprecated. Use " "`linear_sparsity` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) linear_sparsity = 1.0 - linear_weight_sparsity super(MNISTSparseCNN, self).__init__( OrderedDict( [ # First Sparse CNN layer ( "cnn1", SparseWeights2d( nn.Conv2d(1, cnn_out_channels[0], 5), sparsity=cnn_sparsity[0], ), ), ("cnn1_maxpool", nn.MaxPool2d(2)), ( "cnn1_kwinner", KWinners2d( channels=cnn_out_channels[0], percent_on=cnn_percent_on[0], k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, local=kwinner_local, ), ), # Second Sparse CNN layer ( "cnn2", SparseWeights2d( nn.Conv2d(cnn_out_channels[0], cnn_out_channels[1], 5), sparsity=cnn_sparsity[1], ), ), ("cnn2_maxpool", nn.MaxPool2d(2)), ( "cnn2_kwinner", KWinners2d( channels=cnn_out_channels[1], percent_on=cnn_percent_on[1], k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, local=kwinner_local, ), ), ("flatten", Flatten()), # Sparse Linear layer ( "linear", SparseWeights( nn.Linear(16 * cnn_out_channels[1], linear_units), sparsity=linear_sparsity, ), ), ( "linear_kwinner", KWinners( n=linear_units, percent_on=linear_percent_on, k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, ), ), # Classifier ("output", nn.Linear(linear_units, 10)), ("softmax", nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)), ] ) )
[docs]class GSCSparseCNN(nn.Sequential): """Sparse CNN model used to classify `Google Speech Commands` dataset as described in `How Can We Be So Dense?`_ paper. .. _`How Can We Be So Dense?`: :param cnn_out_channels: output channels for each CNN layer :param cnn_percent_on: Percent of units allowed to remain on each convolution layer :param linear_units: Number of units in the linear layer :param linear_percent_on: Percent of units allowed to remain on the linear layer :param k_inference_factor: During inference (training=False) we increase `percent_on` in all sparse layers by this factor :param boost_strength: boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting) :param boost_strength_factor: Boost strength factor to use [0..1] :param duty_cycle_period: The period used to calculate duty cycles :param kwinner_local: Whether or not to choose the k-winners locally (across the channels at each location) or globally (across the whole input and across all channels) :param cnn_sparsity: Percent of weights that zero :param linear_sparsity: Percent of weights that are zero in the linear layer. """ def __init__( self, cnn_out_channels=(64, 64), cnn_percent_on=(0.095, 0.125), cnn_weight_sparsity=None, linear_units=1000, linear_percent_on=0.1, linear_weight_sparsity=None, boost_strength=1.5, boost_strength_factor=0.9, k_inference_factor=1.0, duty_cycle_period=1000, kwinner_local=False, cnn_sparsity=(0.5, 0.8), linear_sparsity=0.9, ): super(GSCSparseCNN, self).__init__() if cnn_weight_sparsity is not None: warnings.warn( "Parameter `cnn_weight_sparsity` is deprecated. Use " "`cnn_sparsity` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) cnn_sparsity = (1.0 - cnn_weight_sparsity[0], 1.0 - cnn_weight_sparsity[1]) if linear_weight_sparsity is not None: warnings.warn( "Parameter `linear_weight_sparsity` is deprecated. Use " "`linear_sparsity` instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) linear_sparsity = 1.0 - linear_weight_sparsity # input_shape = (1, 32, 32) # First Sparse CNN layer if cnn_sparsity[0] > 0: self.add_module( "cnn1", SparseWeights2d( nn.Conv2d(1, cnn_out_channels[0], 5), sparsity=cnn_sparsity[0] ), ) else: self.add_module("cnn1", nn.Conv2d(1, cnn_out_channels[0], 5)) self.add_module( "cnn1_batchnorm", nn.BatchNorm2d(cnn_out_channels[0], affine=False) ) self.add_module( "cnn1_kwinner", KWinners2d( channels=cnn_out_channels[0], percent_on=cnn_percent_on[0], k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, local=kwinner_local, ), ) self.add_module("cnn1_maxpool", nn.MaxPool2d(2)) # Second Sparse CNN layer if cnn_sparsity[1] > 0: self.add_module( "cnn2", SparseWeights2d( nn.Conv2d(cnn_out_channels[0], cnn_out_channels[1], 5), sparsity=cnn_sparsity[1], ), ) else: self.add_module( "cnn2", nn.Conv2d(cnn_out_channels[0], cnn_out_channels[1], 5) ) self.add_module( "cnn2_batchnorm", nn.BatchNorm2d(cnn_out_channels[1], affine=False) ) self.add_module( "cnn2_kwinner", KWinners2d( channels=cnn_out_channels[1], percent_on=cnn_percent_on[1], k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, local=kwinner_local, ), ) self.add_module("cnn2_maxpool", nn.MaxPool2d(2)) self.add_module("flatten", Flatten()) # Sparse Linear layer self.add_module( "linear", SparseWeights( nn.Linear(25 * cnn_out_channels[1], linear_units), sparsity=linear_sparsity, ), ) self.add_module("linear_bn", nn.BatchNorm1d(linear_units, affine=False)) self.add_module( "linear_kwinner", KWinners( n=linear_units, percent_on=linear_percent_on, k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, ), ) # Classifier self.add_module("output", nn.Linear(linear_units, 12)) self.add_module("softmax", nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1))
[docs]class GSCSuperSparseCNN(GSCSparseCNN): """Super Sparse CNN model used to classify `Google Speech Commands` dataset as described in `How Can We Be So Dense?`_ paper. This model provides a sparser version of :class:`GSCSparseCNN` .. _`How Can We Be So Dense?`: """ def __init__(self): super(GSCSuperSparseCNN, self).__init__(linear_units=1500, linear_sparsity=0.95)
MODEL_URLS = { "gsc_sparse_cnn": "", # noqa: E501 "gsc_super_sparse_cnn": "", # noqa: E501 }
[docs]def gsc_sparse_cnn(pretrained=False, progress=True, **kwargs): """ Sparse CNN model used to classify 'Google Speech Commands' dataset :param pretrained: If True, returns a model pre-trained on Google Speech Commands :param progress: If True, displays a progress bar of the download to stderr :param kwargs: See :class:`GSCSparseCNN` """ model = GSCSparseCNN(**kwargs) if pretrained: state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url( MODEL_URLS["gsc_sparse_cnn"], progress=progress ) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) return model
[docs]def gsc_super_sparse_cnn(pretrained=False, progress=True): """ Super Sparse CNN model used to classify `Google Speech Commands` dataset as described in `How Can We Be So Dense?`_ paper. This model provides a sparser version of :class:`GSCSparseCNN` :param pretrained: If True, returns a model pre-trained on Google Speech Commands :param progress: If True, displays a progress bar of the download to stderr """ model = GSCSuperSparseCNN() if pretrained: state_dict = load_state_dict_from_url( MODEL_URLS["gsc_super_sparse_cnn"], progress=progress ) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) return model