Source code for nupic.torch.modules.k_winners

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# Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC)
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import abc

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

import nupic.torch.functions as F
from nupic.torch.duty_cycle_metrics import binary_entropy, max_entropy

[docs]def update_boost_strength(m): """Function used to update KWinner modules boost strength. This is typically done during training at the beginning of each epoch. Call using :meth:`torch.nn.Module.apply` after each epoch if required For example: ``m.apply(update_boost_strength)`` :param m: KWinner module """ if isinstance(m, KWinnersBase): m.update_boost_strength()
[docs]class KWinnersBase(nn.Module, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Base KWinners class. :param percent_on: The activity of the top k = percent_on * number of input units will be allowed to remain, the rest are set to zero. :type percent_on: float :param k_inference_factor: During inference (training=False) we increase percent_on by this factor. percent_on * k_inference_factor must be strictly less than 1.0, ideally much lower than 1.0 :type k_inference_factor: float :param boost_strength: boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting). Must be >= 0.0 :type boost_strength: float :param boost_strength_factor: Boost strength factor to use [0..1] :type boost_strength_factor: float :param duty_cycle_period: The period used to calculate duty cycles :type duty_cycle_period: int """ def __init__( self, percent_on, k_inference_factor=1.0, boost_strength=1.0, boost_strength_factor=1.0, duty_cycle_period=1000, ): super(KWinnersBase, self).__init__() assert boost_strength >= 0.0 assert 0.0 <= boost_strength_factor <= 1.0 assert 0.0 < percent_on < 1.0 assert 0.0 < percent_on * k_inference_factor < 1.0 self.percent_on = percent_on self.percent_on_inference = percent_on * k_inference_factor self.k_inference_factor = k_inference_factor self.learning_iterations = 0 self.n = 0 self.k = 0 self.k_inference = 0 # Boosting related parameters. Put boost_strength in a buffer so that it # is saved in the state_dict. Keep a copy that remains a Python float so # that its value can be accessed in 'if' statements without blocking to # fetch from GPU memory. self.register_buffer("boost_strength", torch.tensor(boost_strength, dtype=torch.float)) self._cached_boost_strength = boost_strength self.boost_strength_factor = boost_strength_factor self.duty_cycle_period = duty_cycle_period def _load_from_state_dict(self, *args, **kwargs): super()._load_from_state_dict(*args, **kwargs) self._cached_boost_strength = self.boost_strength.item()
[docs] def extra_repr(self): return ( "n={0}, percent_on={1}, boost_strength={2}, boost_strength_factor={3}, " "k_inference_factor={4}, duty_cycle_period={5}".format( self.n, self.percent_on, self._cached_boost_strength, self.boost_strength_factor, self.k_inference_factor, self.duty_cycle_period ) )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update_duty_cycle(self, x): r"""Updates our duty cycle estimates with the new value. Duty cycles are updated according to the following formula: .. math:: dutyCycle = \frac{dutyCycle \times \left( period - batchSize \right) + newValue}{period} :param x: Current activity of each unit """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_boost_strength(self): """Update boost strength by multiplying by the boost strength factor. This is typically done during training at the beginning of each epoch. """ self._cached_boost_strength *= self.boost_strength_factor self.boost_strength.fill_(self._cached_boost_strength)
[docs] def entropy(self): """Returns the current total entropy of this layer.""" _, entropy = binary_entropy(self.duty_cycle) return entropy
[docs] def max_entropy(self): """Returns the maximum total entropy we can expect from this layer.""" return max_entropy(self.n, int(self.n * self.percent_on))
[docs]class KWinners(KWinnersBase): """Applies K-Winner function to the input tensor. See :class:`htmresearch.frameworks.pytorch.functions.k_winners` :param n: Number of units :type n: int :param percent_on: The activity of the top k = percent_on * n will be allowed to remain, the rest are set to zero. :type percent_on: float :param k_inference_factor: During inference (training=False) we increase percent_on by this factor. percent_on * k_inference_factor must be strictly less than 1.0, ideally much lower than 1.0 :type k_inference_factor: float :param boost_strength: boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting). :type boost_strength: float :param boost_strength_factor: Boost strength factor to use [0..1] :type boost_strength_factor: float :param duty_cycle_period: The period used to calculate duty cycles :type duty_cycle_period: int :param break_ties: Whether to use a strict k-winners. Using break_ties=False is faster but may occasionally result in more than k active units. :type break_ties: bool :param relu: This will simulate the effect of having a ReLU before the KWinners. :type relu: bool :param inplace: Modify the input in-place. :type inplace: bool """ def __init__( self, n, percent_on, k_inference_factor=1.5, boost_strength=1.0, boost_strength_factor=0.9, duty_cycle_period=1000, break_ties=False, relu=False, inplace=False, ): super(KWinners, self).__init__( percent_on=percent_on, k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, ) self.break_ties = break_ties self.inplace = inplace self.relu = relu self.n = n self.k = int(round(n * percent_on)) self.k_inference = int(self.k * self.k_inference_factor) self.register_buffer("duty_cycle", torch.zeros(self.n))
[docs] def forward(self, x): if x = F.kwinners(x, self.duty_cycle, self.k, self._cached_boost_strength, self.break_ties, self.relu, self.inplace) self.update_duty_cycle(x) else: x = F.kwinners(x, self.duty_cycle, self.k_inference, self._cached_boost_strength, self.break_ties, self.relu, self.inplace) return x
[docs] def update_duty_cycle(self, x): batch_size = x.shape[0] self.learning_iterations += batch_size period = min(self.duty_cycle_period, self.learning_iterations) self.duty_cycle.mul_(period - batch_size) self.duty_cycle.add_(, dtype=torch.float)) self.duty_cycle.div_(period)
[docs] def extra_repr(self): s = super().extra_repr() s += f", break_ties={self.break_ties}" if self.relu: s += ", relu=True" if self.inplace: s += ", inplace=True" return s
[docs]class KWinners2d(KWinnersBase): """ Applies K-Winner function to the input tensor. See :class:`htmresearch.frameworks.pytorch.functions.k_winners2d` :param channels: Number of channels (filters) in the convolutional layer. :type channels: int :param percent_on: The activity of the top k = percent_on * number of input units will be allowed to remain, the rest are set to zero. :type percent_on: float :param k_inference_factor: During inference (training=False) we increase percent_on by this factor. percent_on * k_inference_factor must be strictly less than 1.0, ideally much lower than 1.0 :type k_inference_factor: float :param boost_strength: boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting). :type boost_strength: float :param boost_strength_factor: Boost strength factor to use [0..1] :type boost_strength_factor: float :param duty_cycle_period: The period used to calculate duty cycles :type duty_cycle_period: int :param local: Whether or not to choose the k-winners locally (across the channels at each location) or globally (across the whole input and across all channels). :type local: bool :param break_ties: Whether to use a strict k-winners. Using break_ties=False is faster but may occasionally result in more than k active units. :type break_ties: bool :param relu: This will simulate the effect of having a ReLU before the KWinners. :type relu: bool :param inplace: Modify the input in-place. :type inplace: bool """ def __init__( self, channels, percent_on=0.1, k_inference_factor=1.5, boost_strength=1.0, boost_strength_factor=0.9, duty_cycle_period=1000, local=False, break_ties=False, relu=False, inplace=False, ): super(KWinners2d, self).__init__( percent_on=percent_on, k_inference_factor=k_inference_factor, boost_strength=boost_strength, boost_strength_factor=boost_strength_factor, duty_cycle_period=duty_cycle_period, ) self.channels = channels self.local = local self.break_ties = break_ties self.inplace = inplace self.relu = relu if local: self.k = int(round(self.channels * self.percent_on)) self.k_inference = int(round(self.channels * self.percent_on_inference)) self.register_buffer("duty_cycle", torch.zeros((1, channels, 1, 1)))
[docs] def forward(self, x): if self.n == 0: self.n =[1:]) if not self.local: self.k = int(round(self.n * self.percent_on)) self.k_inference = int(round(self.n * self.percent_on_inference)) if x = F.kwinners2d(x, self.duty_cycle, self.k, self._cached_boost_strength, self.local, self.break_ties, self.relu, self.inplace) self.update_duty_cycle(x) else: x = F.kwinners2d(x, self.duty_cycle, self.k_inference, self._cached_boost_strength, self.local, self.break_ties, self.relu, self.inplace) return x
[docs] def update_duty_cycle(self, x): batch_size = x.shape[0] self.learning_iterations += batch_size scale_factor = float(x.shape[2] * x.shape[3]) period = min(self.duty_cycle_period, self.learning_iterations) self.duty_cycle.mul_(period - batch_size) s =, 2, 3), dtype=torch.float) / scale_factor self.duty_cycle.reshape(-1).add_(s) self.duty_cycle.div_(period)
[docs] def entropy(self): entropy = super(KWinners2d, self).entropy() return entropy * self.n / self.channels
[docs] def extra_repr(self): s = (f"channels={self.channels}, local={self.local}" f", break_ties={self.break_ties}") if self.relu: s += ", relu=True" if self.inplace: s += ", inplace=True" s += ", {}".format(super().extra_repr()) return s