nupic.torch.modules package


class Flatten(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: Module

Flatten input retaining batch dimension.



class KWinners(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: KWinnersBase

Applies K-Winner function to the input tensor.

See htmresearch.frameworks.pytorch.functions.k_winners

  • n (int) – Number of units

  • percent_on (float) – The activity of the top k = percent_on * n will be allowed to remain, the rest are set to zero.

  • k_inference_factor (float) – During inference (training=False) we increase percent_on by this factor. percent_on * k_inference_factor must be strictly less than 1.0, ideally much lower than 1.0

  • boost_strength (float) – boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting).

  • boost_strength_factor (float) – Boost strength factor to use [0..1]

  • duty_cycle_period (int) – The period used to calculate duty cycles

  • break_ties (bool) – Whether to use a strict k-winners. Using break_ties=False is faster but may occasionally result in more than k active units.

  • relu (bool) – This will simulate the effect of having a ReLU before the KWinners.

  • inplace (bool) – Modify the input in-place.


Updates our duty cycle estimates with the new value. Duty cycles are updated according to the following formula:

\[dutyCycle = \frac{dutyCycle \times \left( period - batchSize \right) + newValue}{period}\]

x – Current activity of each unit

class KWinners2d(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: KWinnersBase

Applies K-Winner function to the input tensor.

See htmresearch.frameworks.pytorch.functions.k_winners2d

  • channels (int) – Number of channels (filters) in the convolutional layer.

  • percent_on (float) – The activity of the top k = percent_on * number of input units will be allowed to remain, the rest are set to zero.

  • k_inference_factor (float) – During inference (training=False) we increase percent_on by this factor. percent_on * k_inference_factor must be strictly less than 1.0, ideally much lower than 1.0

  • boost_strength (float) – boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting).

  • boost_strength_factor (float) – Boost strength factor to use [0..1]

  • duty_cycle_period (int) – The period used to calculate duty cycles

  • local (bool) – Whether or not to choose the k-winners locally (across the channels at each location) or globally (across the whole input and across all channels).

  • break_ties (bool) – Whether to use a strict k-winners. Using break_ties=False is faster but may occasionally result in more than k active units.

  • relu (bool) – This will simulate the effect of having a ReLU before the KWinners.

  • inplace (bool) – Modify the input in-place.


Returns the current total entropy of this layer.


Updates our duty cycle estimates with the new value. Duty cycles are updated according to the following formula:

\[dutyCycle = \frac{dutyCycle \times \left( period - batchSize \right) + newValue}{period}\]

x – Current activity of each unit

class KWinnersBase(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: Module

Base KWinners class.

  • percent_on (float) – The activity of the top k = percent_on * number of input units will be allowed to remain, the rest are set to zero.

  • k_inference_factor (float) – During inference (training=False) we increase percent_on by this factor. percent_on * k_inference_factor must be strictly less than 1.0, ideally much lower than 1.0

  • boost_strength (float) – boost strength (0.0 implies no boosting). Must be >= 0.0

  • boost_strength_factor (float) – Boost strength factor to use [0..1]

  • duty_cycle_period (int) – The period used to calculate duty cycles


Returns the current total entropy of this layer.


Returns the maximum total entropy we can expect from this layer.


Update boost strength by multiplying by the boost strength factor. This is typically done during training at the beginning of each epoch.

abstract update_duty_cycle(x)[source]

Updates our duty cycle estimates with the new value. Duty cycles are updated according to the following formula:

\[dutyCycle = \frac{dutyCycle \times \left( period - batchSize \right) + newValue}{period}\]

x – Current activity of each unit


Function used to update KWinner modules boost strength. This is typically done during training at the beginning of each epoch.

Call using torch.nn.Module.apply() after each epoch if required For example: m.apply(update_boost_strength)


m – KWinner module


class PrunableSparseWeightBase[source]

Bases: object

Enable easy setting and getting of the off-mask that defines which weights are zero.

property off_mask

Gets the value of zero_mask in bool format. Thus one may call ` self.weight[~self.off_mask]  # returns weights that are currently on `

class PrunableSparseWeights(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: SparseWeights, PrunableSparseWeightBase

Enforce weight sparsity on linear module. The off-weights may be changed dynamically through the off_mask property.

class PrunableSparseWeights2d(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: SparseWeights2d, PrunableSparseWeightBase

Enforce weight sparsity on CNN modules. The off-weights may be changed dynamically through the off_mask property.


class HasRezeroWeights[source]

Bases: object

abstract rezero_weights()[source]

Set the previously selected weights to zero.

class SparseWeights(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: SparseWeightsBase

Enforce weight sparsity on linear module during training.

Sample usage:

model = nn.Linear(784, 10) model = SparseWeights(model, sparsity=0.4)

  • module – The module to sparsify the weights

  • weight_sparsity – Pct of weights that are NON-ZERO in the layer. Also equal to 1-sparsity Please note this is the first positional parameter for backwards compatibility

  • sparsity – Pct of weights that are ZERO in the layer Accepts either sparsity or weight_sparsity, but not both at a time

  • allow_extremes – Allow values sparsity=0 and sparsity=1. These values are often a sign that there is a bug in the configuration, because they lead to Identity and Zero layers, respectively, but they can make sense in scenarios where the mask is dynamic.


Set the previously selected weights to zero.

class SparseWeights2d(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: SparseWeightsBase

Enforce weight sparsity on CNN modules Sample usage:

model = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, …) model = SparseWeights2d(model, sparsity=0.4)

  • module – The module to sparsify the weights

  • weight_sparsity – Pct of weights that are NON-ZERO in the layer. Also equal to 1-sparsity Please note this is the first positional parameter for backwards compatibility

  • sparsity – Pct of weights that are ZERO in the layer Accepts either sparsity or weight_sparsity, but not both at a time

  • allow_extremes – Allow values sparsity=0 and sparsity=1. These values are often a sign that there is a bug in the configuration, because they lead to Identity and Zero layers, respectively, but they can make sense in scenarios where the mask is dynamic.


Set the previously selected weights to zero.

class SparseWeightsBase(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: Module, HasRezeroWeights

Base class for the all Sparse Weights modules.

  • module – The module to sparsify the weights

  • weight_sparsity – Pct of weights that are NON-ZERO in the layer. Also equal to 1-sparsity Please note this is the first positional parameter for backwards compatibility

  • sparsity – Pct of weights that are ZERO in the layer Accepts either sparsity or weight_sparsity, but not both at a time

property bias
property weight
property weight_sparsity

Initialize the weights using kaiming_uniform initialization normalized to the number of non-zeros in the layer instead of the whole input size.

Similar to torch.nn.Linear.reset_parameters() but applying weight sparsity to the input size


Function used to update the weights after each epoch.

Call using torch.nn.Module.apply() after each epoch if required For example: m.apply(rezero_weights)


m – HasRezeroWeights module