Source code for nupic.torch.modules.prunable_sparse_weights

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# Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC)
# Copyright (C) 2020, Numenta, Inc.  Unless you have an agreement
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from .sparse_weights import SparseWeights, SparseWeights2d

[docs]class PrunableSparseWeightBase(object): """ Enable easy setting and getting of the off-mask that defines which weights are zero. """ @property def off_mask(self): """ Gets the value of `zero_mask` in bool format. Thus one may call ``` self.weight[~self.off_mask] # returns weights that are currently on ``` """ return self.zero_mask.bool() @off_mask.setter def off_mask(self, mask): """ Sets the values of `zero_mask`, updating self.sparsity to reflect the sparsity of the new mask. """ self.sparsity = mask.sum().item() / mask.numel() self.zero_mask[:] = mask
[docs]class PrunableSparseWeights(SparseWeights, PrunableSparseWeightBase): """ Enforce weight sparsity on linear module. The off-weights may be changed dynamically through the `off_mask` property. """ def __init__(self, module, weight_sparsity=None, sparsity=None): super().__init__( module, weight_sparsity=weight_sparsity, sparsity=sparsity, allow_extremes=True )
[docs]class PrunableSparseWeights2d(SparseWeights2d, PrunableSparseWeightBase): """ Enforce weight sparsity on CNN modules. The off-weights may be changed dynamically through the `off_mask` property. """ def __init__(self, module, weight_sparsity=None, sparsity=None): super().__init__( module, weight_sparsity=weight_sparsity, sparsity=sparsity, allow_extremes=True )